Captain Planet and the Planeteers S01E26 – Heat Wave | TFTT Podcast CP E25

Captain Planet and the Planeteers S01E26 Heatwave

This episode recaps: Captain Planet and the Planeteers S01E26 – Heat Wave

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What happens in this weeks episode of Captain Planet:
In this episode of Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Dr. Blight builds a Global Warming generator that runs on coal, wood and oil to generate toxic CO2 gas. Dr. Blights plan is to erect a forcefield dome around Hope Island; burn fossil fuel, pump the exhaust into the dome and then deliver her final blow – a carefully wrapped present for Gaia & the Planeteers.

We have multiple questions:
1. Why not just kill the planeteers with Carbon Monoxide poisoning?
2. Why not just set up a mobile power supply; to keep the forcefield up forever (they can’t leave)?
3. Where did Dr. Blight get that awesome captains hat and why does it suit her so well?

Find out the answer to these questions; and more, in this weeks podcast recap of Captain Planet S01E26 ‘Heat Wave’.

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Tales From The Twists, a Captain Planet & Round The Twist Podcast. We recap your childhood; podcasting shows Gen Y Australians watched during their youth.

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